Fitness Industry and the iPad - Could the iPad Save Personal Trainers From Using So Much Paper?

I've been a trainer for about 7 years now and if there is one thing I am sure of, I use a lot of paper. Thinking about this article, I went through my filing cabinet just a get a glimpse of how much actual paper I use for each client.

 Every session I do, I use a piece of paper, every assessment I do, I use a piece of paper, every new client I sign-up, I use a piece of paper, I think you get the point.

Believe me when I tell you I have look for solutions for using so much paper. I like many others try to be environmentally conscious, but nothing beats the ease of use then printing off clients workout, clipping it to a clip board and bringing it to the weight room.

Over the past few years the emergence of mini laptops erupted. I knew this smaller more portable device brought hope on changing my heavy paper using ways. However, mini or not a laptop is still a laptop and not exactly what you want to be lugging around the weight room. You still need to set the laptop down on a something so that you can type. The screen isn't exactly the biggest and the most visible.

Don't get me wrong, a laptop still has its time and place in the a weight room environment, but not for the versatility that I need.

Enter the Apple iPad

The idea of tablet based personal computers has been around for quite some time. However, an idea was just an idea and the technology wasn't there yet. This year Apple released what I believe the one product that will define Apple as a brand for the next 10 years, a tablet PC called the iPad.

 Now the name sounds a little quirky, but make no mistake there is nothing quirky about this device. Its quick, snappy, easy to use interface had me drooling from the first time I used it. This was the first device that I knew could possible replace the endless reams of paper that this trainer goes through.

The Apple iPad is about the size of a clip board, it has a bright, beautiful touch screen, and it is for the most part light weight. The iPad's battery life is pretty amazing too, it has been said to last up to 10 continuous hours of use, something unheard of for a device of this kind.

So could this finally be the device you see replace the clip board in the weight room? Only time will tell. I think it will take at least a year or two be for this device gets adopted in to modern day use. Right now its still a toy that every geek wants and every common person doesn't know they need to have.

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