The Dictionary defines the word Attitude as;
"... manner, disposition, feeling, position, etc;
with a tendency or orientation especially of the mind, such as negative or positive attitude."
What does the word attitude mean to you and your Weight loss?
Maybe you use remarks such as;
It's not fair I hardly eat a thing.
Anything of what I wonder? Maybe you are not eating enough! It's wise to eat at least three good wholesome meals a day to keep your metabolism going. Otherwise your body will hold on to every ounce of fat that it can, because it thinks there's a famine and doesn't know that you are starving it on purpose.
If you eat properly it won't panic and will get to know that there is another meal coming soon.
I've only got to look at a doughnut to put on weight.
True! The minute the body sees or smells sugar, it starts to prepare itself by releasing insulin which is the fat storing hormone and that's one reason why your mouth waters.
I've tried every diet under the sun and none of them work.
The more restricting diets you do, the lower your metabolism becomes and the harder it is to lose weight. So this could be a positive attitude because it will encourage you to change. As Mark Twain said;
"If you always do what you've always done; you will always get what you always got."
I give up, I'll just eat what I like and blow the consequences.
I wonder exactly what "Eat what I like" means to you?
If it is sugary and starchy or processed and refined food, then you are on the road to disaster! This type of food is addictive, and the carbohydrate and sugar will just go straight to your fat cells with the help of the insulin.
I'll show the world that I just don't care - after all you can be fat and healthy
This one is so common among people who have been struggling and finally given up.
But you know, you don't have to take this attitude. There is help available. If you like reading there are good books available by such authors as John Biffra, Zoe Harcombe, Gary Taubes and Michael Pollen. Or there are forums and websites with so much information to browse through.
There are Weight Loss coaches such as myself. Try looking up the word Paleo on the internet: this is a whole new way of eating. Yes you can be fat and fit, but it really depends how fat you are; the heavier you are the harder it is to move properly. So you may have to start with eating in a way to lose some weight first before you can be really fit.
I want to lose weight by Christmas, tell me something that works fast.
I'm afraid that this is not going to work! Yes if you just eat practically nothing or have protein shakes for every meal between now and Christmas you may succeed in losing weight fast. But what is going to happen at and after Christmas? You guessed! You will just put it all back on again.
You want to look good all the time don't you? Not just for Christmas. The minute you start to tuck into those mince pies and knocking back the alcohol, the body is going to heave a sigh and start preserving the fat again.
I'll wear what I like, I am beautiful just as I am and if everyone thinks I am ugly that's their problem!
Is this their attitude or yours talking? Yes you are beautiful just as you are and if you really believe that, then that love will help you to look after yourself and make the most of your assets.
But you need to ask yourself if this is really true?
Do I really love myself?
Am I dressing to impress or with a defiant attitude?
If the answer is yes, then perhaps ask if you are doing the best by your body.
Can you think of a new attitude that you could adopt to make things better for yourself and give you a goal to achieve?
"... manner, disposition, feeling, position, etc;
with a tendency or orientation especially of the mind, such as negative or positive attitude."
What does the word attitude mean to you and your Weight loss?
Maybe you use remarks such as;
It's not fair I hardly eat a thing.
Anything of what I wonder? Maybe you are not eating enough! It's wise to eat at least three good wholesome meals a day to keep your metabolism going. Otherwise your body will hold on to every ounce of fat that it can, because it thinks there's a famine and doesn't know that you are starving it on purpose.
If you eat properly it won't panic and will get to know that there is another meal coming soon.
I've only got to look at a doughnut to put on weight.
True! The minute the body sees or smells sugar, it starts to prepare itself by releasing insulin which is the fat storing hormone and that's one reason why your mouth waters.
I've tried every diet under the sun and none of them work.
The more restricting diets you do, the lower your metabolism becomes and the harder it is to lose weight. So this could be a positive attitude because it will encourage you to change. As Mark Twain said;
"If you always do what you've always done; you will always get what you always got."
I give up, I'll just eat what I like and blow the consequences.
I wonder exactly what "Eat what I like" means to you?
If it is sugary and starchy or processed and refined food, then you are on the road to disaster! This type of food is addictive, and the carbohydrate and sugar will just go straight to your fat cells with the help of the insulin.
I'll show the world that I just don't care - after all you can be fat and healthy
This one is so common among people who have been struggling and finally given up.
But you know, you don't have to take this attitude. There is help available. If you like reading there are good books available by such authors as John Biffra, Zoe Harcombe, Gary Taubes and Michael Pollen. Or there are forums and websites with so much information to browse through.
There are Weight Loss coaches such as myself. Try looking up the word Paleo on the internet: this is a whole new way of eating. Yes you can be fat and fit, but it really depends how fat you are; the heavier you are the harder it is to move properly. So you may have to start with eating in a way to lose some weight first before you can be really fit.
I want to lose weight by Christmas, tell me something that works fast.
I'm afraid that this is not going to work! Yes if you just eat practically nothing or have protein shakes for every meal between now and Christmas you may succeed in losing weight fast. But what is going to happen at and after Christmas? You guessed! You will just put it all back on again.
You want to look good all the time don't you? Not just for Christmas. The minute you start to tuck into those mince pies and knocking back the alcohol, the body is going to heave a sigh and start preserving the fat again.
I'll wear what I like, I am beautiful just as I am and if everyone thinks I am ugly that's their problem!
Is this their attitude or yours talking? Yes you are beautiful just as you are and if you really believe that, then that love will help you to look after yourself and make the most of your assets.
But you need to ask yourself if this is really true?
Do I really love myself?
Am I dressing to impress or with a defiant attitude?
If the answer is yes, then perhaps ask if you are doing the best by your body.
Can you think of a new attitude that you could adopt to make things better for yourself and give you a goal to achieve?
I am a Life Coach specialising in Weight Management. I have
written a book "Reflections of a Chronic Dieter". In it I look at the
attitudes not only of the person struggling with these issues, but also
the attitudes of professionals, authors, the diet industry and the media
towards the person in question.
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