Scientifically Proven Weight Loss Pill

Orlistat (tetrahydrolipstatin) is a drug created to treat obesity and also anyone that is overweight.

 It is a prescription drug called Xenical by Roche in most markets, and sold over-the-counter as Alli by GlaxoSmithKline.

 Its major function is to prevent the absorption of fats from the diet by acting as a lipase inhibitor, thereby reducing fat intake.

 Lipase is an enzyme made by the Pancreas and it breaks down fat. So, if fats are not broken down they cannot be absorbed and the fat passes through into the stool.

Orlistat should be used in conjunction with a doctor-supervised reduced-calorie diet.

Orlistat is the derivative of a potent natural inhibitor of pancreatic lipases called lipstatin.

This drug definitely causes weight loss, albeit modest. Combined data from clinical trials suggest that people taking Orlistat, along with lifestyle modifications like diet and exercise, lose about 5 percent more weight than those not taking the drug over the course of a year.

 It also modestly reduces blood pressure, and could potentially prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes, whether due to weight loss itself or to other effects.

In a large randomized controlled experiment, Orlistat reduced the rate of diabetes by nearly 40% in obese individuals.

Orlistat can cause gastrointestinal side effects such as oily or loose stools.

This decreases over time, however, and are the most frequently reported adverse effects of the drug.

In the United States, Orlistat is available for sale without a prescription. Generic Orlistat is available in some countries.

One of the main concerns is that this drug will be used by those that do not require much, if any, weight loss. However, this concern is shared by many over the counter medicines and it is up to the individual to read the package carefully and use it correctly.

One of the main reasons why some do not lose weight is that an individual may consume more fatty foods thinking that the pill will solve his problem.

 It is essential that a reasonable diet be consumed and a regular exercise regiment be implemented in addition to Orlistat.

Caution, absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and other fat-soluble nutrients is inhibited by the use of Orlistat. A multivitamin tablet containing vitamins A, D, E, K, and beta-carotene should be taken once a day, at bedtime, when using Orlistat.

It is this authors opinion that Orlistat really does work, however, please take this medicine if you have a serious weight problem.

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